come and follow me!

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Hanukkah Floam Ninja Polish

Happy new years eve eve beauties!!  As a pre new year treat i am bringing you Hanukkah Floam by Ninja Polish, FYI Hanukkah is also known as the festival of lights......damn Right this polish lives up to that name! I am sorry for the long post..but this polish deserves it!

I have been drooling over my laptop when i clocked this on Ninjas website, but it was always out of stock...which strangely makes me want it more!!  So i swooped in on the last restock and bagged me a bit of Hanukkah!!

i have blurred the pic just so you can see that multi holo goodness!!!

Man oh man....I'm a blue you may or may not know by now, and this ticks all of Mimi's boxes...pretty (HUGE tick)....sparkly (HUGE tick).....easy application (HUGE tick) in fact everything has a HUGE tick!  This polish will be right up there with my all time favourite blue polishes, its just to damn delicious! in fact i have to say the Ninjas i own (most recent being the strawberries n roses and Alexandrite...they are amazing to, so i see me and Ninja Polishes being best buddies from now on!) 

I could ramble on and on about the loveliness of this, my camera just couldn't pick up all of the proper spazzed out at it, so see the sparkles??......treble that and you might be close in the flesh! This polish contains THE must beautiful blue matte glitters...very reminiscent of the floam family....but here is the clincher....beautiful multicoured holographic glitter get the best of both wolds, and man, in the sun that holographic dazzles!  I layered this over Orly blue skies...perfecto!! If you haven't got Hanukkah yet rush over to Ninja Polish now! xxxx

Saturday, 29 December 2012


Hello one and all again.  I have been mulling over my blog here.  These last few months have been seriously wonderful to me, i have been so lucky with the followers i have guys...if i could hug you all individually i bloody well would!

I really really want my blog to grow tenfold this year and i want you guys to tell me what you would like to see this year...more swatches?...more art? there anything you don't want me to do?  Any constructive criticism i value as well as requests i would so much appreciate.  I want to make this blog YOUR always guys thank you so the best!

Friday, 28 December 2012

Mimis favourite manis since September

Ok i know, i am jumping on the band waggon. Every blog i am looking at just now are listing favourite polishes of 2012..favourite bloggers i thought i would add my little info into the blogging stratosphere. 

I have only been blogging since very late August so i guess i am a newbie...i wish i had more pictures of collections etc to show...i should really since i have 150 plus posts...when i first stared this blog i intended really only to swatch polishes....nail art was something i never had done before...i suck at any drawing on paper so it was a huge surprise i could do it on the nail to somewhat passable levels.  As it turned out, i love nail art much more than i ever thought i would, and getting involved feet first with challenges has bought out a whole other creative side i truly never knew existed.  So i thought i would make a simple collage of piccies to show you guys of the manicures i am most proud of, plain swatches and nail art.

I know sometimes i tend to ramble...its a trait that i can never quite reign in so my apologies.  I would ike to take this opportunity to thank my readers so much for your support over these last few have made me warm and fuzzy like you wouldn't believe, you have made blogging everything it should!  So i am sending you all my love for is to 2013 being the best blogging year yet! xxxxx

Spy Princess Lacquer White Tie Affair and Coronation

Ohh for goodness sake i am good to you guys arnt i?!  Today i am bringing you two positively regal polishes by Spy Princess.  Christina from Spy Princess Laqcuer was lovely enough to send me these for review...i hope i have managed to do these justice because they really are something else!

First up..coronation...ohhh yes, being a Brit this made me all patriotic just putting it on my nails...Mimi stands up to sing our national anthem...god save the queen!!  This polish is sure to make you feel like royalty...damn its a beautiful glitter bomb explosion!!  Suspended in a clear base are a multitude of gold hex glitters, golden shreds, micro glitter and some pretty special larger holo hex glitters.  I used this as a top coat over Deborah Lippmann Nefertiti.  I wish now i would have done this over a beautiful deep berry colour as i think that would look ace, this is such a versatile polish anything is possible!! 


Next up we have White Tie Affair.  I think i just fainted!  I cannot express how amazingly beautiful this polish the bottle it is super cute but wow, on the nail it is pure perfection!!  I admit i didn't expect the polish to translate like this on the nail, i thought it would be quite dark, as the darker hex glitter gives it that overall impression...but it is much lighter, as my pictures show..i love the surprise it brings!  Christina describes this polish as Silver and holo ultra-micro glitters, silver superfine bar glitter (slices), small holographic square and flat black glitters make up this incredible glitter bomb! she isn't wrong, i truly think this polish will be working its way back on my nails in the very near future!! I chose to layer this over Ludurana Aurora Boreal.

As you may have guessed, these polishes were a winner for me, from the bottles which are fab BTW to the ease of application.  You can find Spy Princess here on etsy or here on facebook


Thursday, 27 December 2012

Nails Inc Shoreditch heart nails

Happy Thursday to you all!  I thought i would show you all one of the polishes i received from my lovely husband for Christmas......Nails Inc shoreditch.

Shoreditch is a beautiful deep pink creme polish which reaches full coverage in 2 coats....although i used 3. 

On my ring finger i used THE most beautiful polish by Ninja polish....a full mani will be shown here of this very soon as it really is something else!  Shoreditch is such a cute girly colour i decided to girly it up eve more and add random cute!  Hope you guys like xxxxx

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Mimi is back...with Santa nails!

Yay, my beauties i am back!  I had to bow out of the last few days of the Christmas challenge due to my mum being taken into hospital.  Wishes do come true as she was released from hospital late Christmas eve.  It was THE best pressie i got...along with plenty of polish and perfume...perfect!
my pressies from my beautiful husband and daughter

So i wanted to join in the last day of the challenge but i was so exhausted i just couldn't face it...but now i bring you my santa nails!  I truly hope you are having a fantastic Christmas and have all the love in the world surrounding you all! xxxx
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Saturday, 22 December 2012

Kb Shimmer Snow Way

Hello lovelies.  Christmas is fast approaching, i hope you guys are all almost sorted with holiday food done and the pressies!  My weekend has been a whirlwind of hospital visits and errands.  My lovely friend Inky told me to take care of myself to, and the way i do it is through polish, so i squeezed a cheeky swatch for you guys.  Here is the sublime Snow Way by Kb shimmer.

As soon as i saw this way back before they were even released i knew this one would be looked amazing back then and its bloody amazing in the flesh!  SW is without a doubt one of the most unique polishes i own, with a real genuine Christmas feel to it.

Snow way is made up in a beautiful light sky blue jelly base with matte white large hex glitter and tiny white glitter!  The glitters really do look like a beautiful snowy scene...just perfection in a bottle!!  Application was easy...all be it, this polish it quite thick with everything that  is going on in it but it was surprisingly easy to work with.  I would definitely recommend layering this...i'm thinking over a white.  I used 3 coats for the shots. xxxx

Friday, 21 December 2012

Mimi bows out...for now

Hello my lovelies.  Just a short note to you guys who have been following the nail art i have been doing for the twelve days of Christmas challenge.....i have to take a break from this.  Unfortunately my beautiful mum has been taken into hospital and for obvious reasons my priority is to be with her as much as i can.

I will try my best to catch up when i have the doubt i will be using the catch up nails as a way of distraction.  So please bear with me.  I will enjoy what the other beauties produce xxxx

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Guest Post from Lauren Jackson Nina Pro Cobalt and Nina Pro pal Elegance

It's been a little while since i last had a guest post on my little blog, so this is a little overdue.  Today i am bringing you the beyond beautiful Miss Jackson.  Every once in a while if you are lucky like me, you will meet a real gem of a person...i found that in Lauren and her amazing mum Hilary.  I adore these girlies so very much and want to take this opportunity to thank them for being true friends during times that have really tested me....more than some of my own family have been. 

We all share a love of all thing nails and its my absolute pleasure to introduce our little gem...Lauren its over to you xxxxx

So santa arrived early this year in the form of mimi!
I received three gorgeous nail polishes, 2 fabulous vibrant colours from nina and the croc effect from Barry M.
I decided on one of the gorgeous nina colours, a rich vibrant stunning blue that goes by the name of cobalt and to top it off a glitter top coat called opal elegance. The nina polish goes on with ease and the brush is great. Really wide with great coverage. In fact if you have small nails like mine... Have a nail corrector pen at the ready. He he!

I painted two coats of the cobalt onto my nails and thats all it needed to achieve the desired colour. Next I added the glitter and wow! Was I impressed by the results. The glitter polish had the same sized brush. I applied two coats and a top coat! I would like to say thank you to mimi for my gifts! I cant wait to use the others! Great pressies and recommendations! :) thank you for letting me guest blog! Take a look at the piccies!!

Lauren xx

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas Challenge day 7 ornaments

Hey all, crikey i am late with this one....apologies my angels.  It has been a rubbish day for me today...don't get me started my heart wasn't really in this tonight.  I didn't know what i was going to do until i started....and this is what i came up with.

I done the ornaments hanging off a branch with a neutral background...i kinda liked how they turned out....especially the little micro balls i used for the baubles....messy yes, but pretty.

I hope you guys like my idea night...another Mimi original.  Laters my lovelies ad be sure to check out the other fab entrants!
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Pretty and Polished Party Time! And Year One!

I have been itching to show you these polishes.  I bring you Pretty & Polished Party Time and Year One.  Chelsea released these polishes back in November to celebrate her first year bringing us beauties on Etsy and as soon as i saw them i knew i just had to own both of them, especially as there was only a tiny amount of these to be made, making them very sought after.....of course Mimi will own them!  A sincere congrats to her!

So first up i will show you, Year One.  This one only got to me this morning....and wow, it was worth the wait.  Year one is THE most beautiful  milky baby blue polish, when you really examine the polish it really is quite complex.  Y1 is made up with amazingly pretty green and turquoise small square glitters, purple large diamond glitters, silver hex glitters and micro blue glitters.  The glitters in this polish truly compliment the base colour, super well done to Chelsea for creating this all know i love a blue!

Next up is Party Time!  Yep she should have a party...whilst wearing this.....OMG i ADORE it!!!  I got this a couple of weeks back and have been dying to try it, but i wanted to bring you these swatches together...again, this was worth the wait.  Party Time is a hot magenta pink jelly base  with large bright blue and a slightly darker blue and pink hex glitters and purple and magenta micro glitters.  I cannot tell you how stunning this is in the flesh, so girly and fun...i love it!!!

I used 3 coats for each of these polishes and both applied easily....dry time fantastic.  You can find P&P here on etsy or shopify or evn on facebook where you can keep up to date on offers and new releases!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Dollish Polish Mermaid Scales

Gosh i have got a real stunner of a polish to show you guys today....Dollish Polish Mermaid Scales, from the mythical collection.  As always i have been on the hunt for beauties to add to my expanding collection, and this one my friends is certainly worthy to join my other gorgeous bottles!

Mermaid Scales is a gorgeous ocean teal duo chrome base made up with THE most beautiful different sized iridescent turquoise hex glitters.

I decided to layer this over OPI Fly, which is basically a great match of a base colour.  I do love this layered, it really does remind me of mermaids and oceans... in fact when i proudly showed these to my husband last night he said they looked like mermaids tails...he didn't even know the great work Dollish for making such a bang on colour!!  I must just say this though, i have come across a picture on the net showing this as a stand alone colour...and i LOVE it...when i redo my nails i will add pics to show you how different it looks alone!!

I had absolutely no application issues with this polish...perfection in every way...dry time...amazing!  Check her shop here and keep up to date with announcements here on facebook

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Christmas Challenge day 7..snowflakes

Hey my angels!  Happy Sunday to you all, i hope you have had a great day.  Onto the challenge..snowflakes.  

Awww i love this design so much, the colours look absolutely wicked together in the flesh i can promise you (FYI if like me you are a blue NEED Essie Butler the blue base i used but it is friggin stunning...very similar to Nails Inc Baker Street!)

So as always i hope you liked my idea on a rather extravagant snowflake design...please do check out the other beauties taking part xxxx
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Saturday, 15 December 2012

R.I.P victims of Sandy Hook xxxxx

What a cruel cruel world this can be sometimes.  Yesterday i, along with millions of others were shocked and sickened to the core as we watched the the tragic events unfold.  I offer my hardest prayers for all of the victims and their poor families who now have to live this hell for the rest of their lives.

I don't think one persons heart didn't break for the little ones who didn't make it, and the tragic adults who no doubt died trying to protect the young.  Its hard to know what to say at a time like this, no parent should ever lose their child...its unnatural...and from experience (under extremely different circumstances) there is no other pain you experience when you loose a child. 

I hope one day every person effected by this awful tragedy finds some kind of peace and knows how much decent human beings are sending so much love we can protect them with it. 

If there is one thing that this kind of thing brings is unity.  We unite to show these evil people that we wont stand for this...we unite and offer comfort and support wherever we are in the world and we must realise how extremely lucky we are to have our loved ones close and safe.  Hug your children tighter and tell those you love you adore them.  Here is my white mani to show my respect for all those victims, may you rest in peace xxxxx

Friday, 14 December 2012

Christmas 6 gifts

Here we go my beauties its day 6 of our 12 day challenge and i bring to you!

Now i must admit i wasn't particularly inspired by today's theme, again, my imagination cant get past the standard gift manicure...and i want to make sure all of the nails i have shown i have never attempted before.  So i called on a favourite of mine...the amazeballs Robin Moses, and done my own rendition of her Christmas stocking gift mani. 

I bloody love doing these challenges, they really inspire me to try my hand at new things, and whilst my manicure isn't as good as Robins i hope i have done her proud in my lil attempt.

I hope you guys as always, like my effort here, check out the other beauties who are participating and ill see you day 7! xxxxx
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Thursday, 13 December 2012

Emily De Molly Muted Madness

Hello my beauties.  This post is really a little late..Ive had muted madness in my stash for a couple of weeks now and with all the nail art i am doing at the minute i just haven't had the time to show you it.  I was beyond excited to buy muted madness and black forest from Llarowe on the first stock she had.....i also have fifth element coming which i could actually pee my pants over!

Muted madness is a lovely lovely polish little heart skips a beat every time i look at my nails.  MM is a lovely jelly black base made up with THE most lovely neon yellow, purple, blue, red and green matte glitter and micro fine multi coloured glitter.

taken with my flash...just so you can see the glitter in all its glory!!

I didn't layer this polish at all, but it could probably do with a base colour as it does do on pretty sheer. I used 4 coats for the shots.  My only gripe with this polish was some of the glitters liked to stick up and not lay as flat as i liked....again as with some glitter it was no big deal...a little more careful application was all it took. 

Dry time was a little slower with MM...but biggie.  You can buy them here at Llarowe xxxx

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Christmas Challenge day 5...Holiday Film

Ahhhh I've been so looking forward to this day of our challenge.  As soon as i saw we were going to do a holiday film i just knew i had to do the Grinch.   I freaking love this film, in fact i only watched it last week with my Lucy still makes me laugh as much as it did when i first saw it....Jim Carey is hilarious!

So I got my idea...sort of, from this picture...

A while ago i followed the awesome Robin Moses's tutorial for her grinch nails and i wasn't happy with the end result so i opted to go for it on my own, I'm really glad i did because i like these ones better (just so you know it wasn't that i didn't like the ones Robin's just mine didn't turn out as well as i wanted). 

As far as I'm concerned this film, along with the Wizard Of Oz are just classical Christmas movies!  I hope you guys like my idea...please check out the other awesome ladies taking part. xxx
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