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Friday, 25 January 2013

31 day challenge day 25...inspired by my chidhood

Hello 25 brings you 'inspired by your childhood'   Chrikey what could i do...i swayed from strawberries because it reminds me of fruit picking with my amazing mum, caravans because it reminds me of our camping holidays when i was younger (and found a love for nice hotels lol.  Then i remembered the care bears.....

I loved these as a child...i was always a real girlie girl, forever with a doll in my hand and watching the likes of she ra and the care bears!

I was kind of disappointed how these turned out, i  have had a banging headache for the last couple of days and have been told i need to wear glasses for my nail art so i have been a little 'off' and my detail isn't as good as i would have liked.

But hey ho here they are...hopefully tomorrow will be better...until then.....xx


  1. Cute!!

  2. I love these! I'd never have been able to freehand this but if I'd had decals I'd have done a my little pony/carebear crossover xo

    1. thank you suzi, i loved the care bears as a kiddie and my little pony...i should have done both hehe xxx

  3. i'm gonna die, this is too cute *.*

    1. hehe thank you my lovely, you are so sweet to me ;) xxx
